The prophet (saw) said: “The seeking of knowledge is compulsory on every Muslim” This responsibility begins the moment the we are born and does not end until the day we die. The prophet (saw) also said: “If a person takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah will thereby make the path to paradise easy for him” This abiility to learn and understand is what sets us apart from the rest fo Allah’s creation and is directly related to the concept of free will. Making choices would certainly be a haphazard affair without the capacity to gain knowledge.
Knowledge and the seeking of knowledge guides us to that which is true in life to the straight path. Without the necessary knowledge, our journey through life will not be very successful. The importance of this is emphasized frequently in the Qu’ran and the Hadith. Allah mention (Qu’ran 35:28) “… Only those fear Allah, from among his servants, who have knowledge” and in (Qu’ran 39:9) “..Say: Are those who know equal to those who do not know? Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding.”